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5 Advantages of a Mobile-Optimised Website

5 Advantages of a Mobile-Optimised Website

Posted on 04.11.2017

Mobile phones and other portable devices are essential to our daily life. Most people in the World have some type of hand-held gadget they use to communicate with on a daily basis. But what is the primary purpose of a mobile device? It was initially launched on the market to provide normal telephonic communication, but with the help of wireless technology the scope and capabilities of hand-held devices have broadened. Now they’re used for checking mail, listening to music, capturing images, social media interaction, browsing the internet and much much more.
So how can this help your business? Mobile devices can access the Internet. This means that people using mobile devices can become a source of increased website leads and traffic counts. In fact, in comparing desktop to mobile usage of surfing the internet – mobile usage trumps desktop. Given the moving fast-paced society in which we live, this makes sense.
If you have a business website, it’s critical that you consider this. Mobile optimisation for your website is vital. Why? Since websites provide primarily a visual experience for customers, it’s important to make your site look as neat as possible. If your website is not optimised it will appear neat and tidy in a web desktop browser but not on a mobile browser. This creates a huge risk for your online business. You stand to lose valuable customers if your site isn’t mobile-optimised.
Below are some of the advantages of optimising your website for mobile devices.

User Experience

Imagine browsing on your portable device and a website’s content is disorganised and difficult to navigate because it is not optimised for mobile viewing? How annoying would that be, needing to “pinch and squeeze” the screen in order to view the content? You would quickly close the page and search for another site which is most likely already optimised for mobile viewing. Optimising your website will leave a good impression and provide a good user experience for your customers. Why? Nobody wants to browse a desktop site using a mobile device. Research from Jakob Nielen shows that mobile-optimised websites lead to positive feedback and customer satisfaction.


Mobile devices are very portable and can be used almost everywhere. You can use this to your advantage by making your website more accessible. If you have a mobile-optimised website, consumers can easily access your website anytime, anywhere using their mobile device.


Competition within internet marketing is massive so it’s important to stand out on the web and out-rank your competitors. Consumers will choose a better optimised, more user friendly and positive experience site over those which are not. The point is, you have to ensure that you are the one to catch the consumer’s attention and you need to make it as easy as possible in order to do so.

Offline Integration

Are you familiar with QR codes? These can help you integrate with offline media. It is gaining popularity by means of making offline advertising for companies and businesses. This can be scanned and translated into information such as a website urls or email addresses for example.
Inserting these codes into your ads helps you direct traffic to your website. It enables you to have instant communication with offline users around the world.


If a customer had a bad experience on your site, it may leave a bad impression about your business. Most people will be annoyed and frustrated when visiting a site that is not mobile friendly. This could make a customer feel as though your company doesn’t care about the business, and be less likely visit your website in the future.